thotherwebcra Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Wings Tamil Dubbed Movie Free Download

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a5c7b9f00b Two young men, one rich, one middle class, who are in love with the same woman, become fighter pilots in World War I.
In 1917, Jack Powell is a young man with passion for cars. His next door neighbor is Mary Preston, who is in deep love for him, but Jack does not notice her. Jack indeed loves Sylvia Lewis, but she is in love with the rich David Armstrong. When USA enters in World War I, Jack and David join the Air Force to fight in France and become pals. Mary joins the Women's Motor Corp, trying to be close to Jack. But it is war, and a tragedy happen between the two friends.
The Academy Awards have been a celebrated annual ceremony since 1929, and I have always been fascinated to watchmany of the winning moviespossible, I was especially excited to watch this, the first film in history to win the Oscar for Best Picture, directed by William A. Wellman (The Public Enemy, A Star I Born, The Ox-Bow Incident). Basically set in the year 1917, in a small American town, Jack Powell (Charles 'Buddy' Rogers), an auto mechanic, and David Armstrong (Richard Arlen), who comes from a wealthy family, are rivals, both are in love with the same woman, Sylvia Lewis (Jobyna Ralston). Sylvia's heart belongs to David, but she plays along with Jack's infatuations, Jack fails to realise that "girl next door" Mary Preston (Clara Bow) is desperately in love with him. It is First World War, the two young men both enlist to become combat pilots in the Air Service and are billeted together, they make a brief acquaintance with tent mate Cadet White (Gary Cooper), before he is killed the same day in an air crash. Undaunted, Jack and David endure a rigorous training period, they turn from enemies into best friends, and following graduation they are shipped off to France to fight the Germans. Mary joins the war effort, becoming an ambulance driver, she learns Jack has gained the reputationan ace called "The Shooting Star", she encounters him while on leave in Paris, but he is too drunk to recognise her. Mary puts Jack to bed, two military police barge inshe is innocently changing, she is forced to resign and return to the United States. During the epic Battle of Saint-Mihiel, David is shot down and presumed dead, however he survives the crash landing, he steals a German biplane, and heads for the Allied lines. Jack spots David aircraft, in a tragic stroke of bad luck, he thinks it is an enemy aircraft, he wants for David's "death" and attacks, he successfully downs the craft. Jack only realises what he has done when wants to retrieve a souvenir of his "victory", Jack holds David in his arm, kissing him, David consoles his friend before dying, forgiving his comrade. The war ends, Jack returns home to a hero's welcome, he visits David's grieving parents to return his friend's effects, he begs forgiveness for causing David's death, David's Mother (Julia Swayne Gordon) blames the war for taking her son's life, not Jack, he is then reunited with Mary and realises he loves her. Also starring El BrendelHerman Schwimpf, Richard TuckerAir Commander, Gunboat SmithThe Sergeant, Henry B. WalthallDavid's Father, Roscoe KarnsLt. Cameron and Arlette MarchalCeleste. The film certainly delivers the message of how war can devastate lives, the most memorable sequences are of course the mid- air battles, the rest of the film is mostly slow, and the love triangle storyline is sentimental and clichéd, but overall it is a fairly good silent war drama. It won the Oscars for Best Picture and Best Effects, Engineering Effects. Worth watching!
Two boys from the same American small town are recruited into the Air Force during World War I. Charles Rogers and Richard Arlen are the two who also happen to vie for the hand of the same girl, Jobyna Ralston. Clara Bow starsthe doting girl-next-door to Rogers who joins the medical corps to do her part. The movie is famous for being the first Oscar winner for Best Picture, for its still incredible aerial battle scenes, and for the small inclusion of a young Gary Cooper who hadof then not achieved his fame. The movie is the only completely silent film to ever win Best Picture.

It's an explosive charge placed at the end of a long, flexible tube used in clearing mines, barbed wire, and other obstructions. In World War I, they were usually 5 foot long threaded pipes and combat engineers were able to keep adding pipe from the relative safety of a trench. The basic design is still in use today.
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last edited 217 weeks ago by thotherwebcra
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